Inchmery Road, Catford, London Borough of Lewisham
Clients: Property Owners
Proposal: Loft Conversion in a Conservation Area
Armour Heritage were appointed to complete a heritage statement with regard to a proposed loft conversion at the property. Whilst the proposed works were minor in nature, comprising externally the addition of rooflights to the property, a heritage statement was required by the LPA as the property is situated within a Conservation Area.
Although the property itself is undesignated, much of Inchmery Road represents what is regarded as a fairly typical example of the Edwardian bay-fronted properties which make up Character Area 2 of the Culverley Green Conservation Area.
A site visit identified a number of properties locally where loft conversions were evident through the presence of rooflights, including examples on Inchmery Road, along with others identified in nearby Bargery Road and Penerley Road. The heritage statement concluded that these did not impact negatively on, or detract from, the special character of the Conservation Area or the historic streetscape. Given this, it was assessed that the proposal would result in No Impacts with regard to the special character of the Culverley Green Conservation Area, leading to No Harm in terms of the NPPF and PPG. This assessment was completed in line with policy and guidance set out in the NPPF, the PPG and guidance documents issued by Historic England.
The completed heritage statement was included as part of the planning application for the loft conversion and its conclusions were accepted by the LPA. Planning consent for the conversion was granted in June 2017.
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